(Your questions, my answers.)

  1.) Where did you learn to draw/have you taken art lessons/can you teach me?

a) I've been drawing since I can remember. It's just something that I love doing, so it grew on me and with time (and age) I kept fiddling with it to come up with my current uniqueness.  I still think of myself as having a long ways to go, and I'm constantly looking at different things, trying to see how I can incorporate them into my own style or tweak my style a little to match something I like.

b) I planned on being an art major for a while, but I haven't done much in the form of art classes - or at least those that specialize on the human figure, etc. You'll probably be able to tell for a while... ^-^;

c) Pretty much everything I know is self taught. I can say though, that if you practice hard enough, and want it bad enough, then you'll see yourself start to improve. It may be little by little, but like they say - practice makes perfection.  There's different books out there for you to look at and draw inspiration from, but the skill isn't just going to be put into you for reading them - just take your time, and develop your skills. You can do it!

2.) What kind of stuff do you use for drawing,coloring,etc?

Materials eh?
1) Sketchbook   (or whatever happens to be lying around, like printer paper)
2) Regular Mechanical Pencils, .5 or .7 lead
3) Color Pencils  (every now and then - just about anything works for me.)
4)Prismacolor Markers every now and then
5)Adobe Photoshop  CS2 (For when I decide to do some digital coloring)
6) Inking Pens  (Japanese imported, but I don't use them much)
7) Sharpies!  (Great for thick, dark borders ya?)

3.) Ooooh, pretty! Draw me something!

*eye twitches slightly*  Umm...no. Sorry, but college is really a handful right now. I'm in my third year (and had to switch majors already) - pulling about 27 hours of schoolwork, job hunting, and trying to stay alive beneath the piles of homework... not to mention I'd like to have a social life every now and then. (Despite what some may think!)

I'm doubting that I'll take commissions for money, but I think that if enough people express an interest on the matter through e-mails and such, then I might motivate myself to do some artwork and sell it. I do have to eat after all ...and pay the rent, gas, cell phone,  books, tuition, and art supplies...

4.) Fanart/Fanfics/Fanstuff?

If I come to the point in my life when people actually WANT to do this, then by all means, go right ahead!  I won't stop you! Never! ^^ I'll be more than happy to add an extra section to the site featuring your works. 
